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Gaston: Gaston County and Information Isn

gaston: And while some believe there's a clear point and a benefit to not tying such candidates to a political party, others believe the system presents disparities and issues of its own, according to NOW Magazine. There are clear arguments for and against each side, according to the National League of Cities, a nonprofit that serves as a resource and advocate for the nation's cities and their leaders. That information isn't immediately available in nonpartisan races, such as the municipal elections taking place in cities and towns across Gaston County this fall. Proponents of nonpartisan ballots contend that political parties are largely irrelevant to providing services, which is the key responsibility of municipal leaders. But proponents for partisan elections counter that the absence of party labels has the potential to confuse voters, as a person who must choose from a group of candidates they know nothing about will have no meaningful basis in casting a ballot. People of that viewpoint also tend to believe that cooperation between elected officials belonging to different parties is more likely in nonpartisan arenas. ( As reported in the news.