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Mena Middle: Jewish and Israeli Writer

mena middle: Jewish Privilege is when my grandparents were violently forced out of Iraq and Tunisia for being Jewish with only the clothes to their back, according to CTV. Along with 850,000 other MENA Middle East and North Africa Jews they arrived to Israel with nothing, only spoke Arabic, and lived in a tent/tin shack for years, Mazzig tweeted. According to Jewish News, the trend first started Sunday night when Israeli writer and activist Hen Mazzig shared his family's experience with anti-Semitism after others used the hashtag to accuse Jewish people of being privileged. I want all my Jewish followers to share the 'Jewish Privilege' them and their families experienced. A lot of these tropes are well known about Jews controlling media and government, and the economy and unfortunately, a lot of these conspiracy theories have ended in the past with violence, Shack told in a phone interview on Monday. Noah Shack, vice president of the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs CIJA told that Jewish Privilege has, for years, existed as an anti-Semitic hashtag used primarily by conspiracy theorists. ( As reported in the news.