Independent topical source of current affairs, opinion and issues, featuring stories making news in Canada from immigrants, newcomers, minorities & ethnic communities' point of view and interests.

World Offering: Canadian Museum and Theatre Group

world offering: At their first stop ever at the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 this week, they've orchestrated a production which show designer Joshua Kitz describes as Amazing Race meets an escape room, according to The Chronicle Herald. It's called In Time and involves live performances, interactions with characters, tasks to complete, and people running around from exhibit to exhibit finding answers before the clock runs out. Live History, a theatre group based in Ottawa, travels the world offering interactive experiences at museums and historic sites. You're interacting with live performers, some of whom are exhibits that have come to life and some who are members of S.N.E.E.Z.E. the fictional Security Novices Examining Enigmas and Zoology who are trying to keep control of these exhibits that are causing chaos in the museum, Kitz said. There's a different-coloured checklist for each track and they have 50 minutes to find the clues. Every 15 minutes a new wave of participants enters the Assembly Hall where Martha, a no-nonsense immigration officer, tells them to pick a track immigration officer, Red Cross volunteer, new immigrant, or S.N.E.E.Z.E. officer. ( As reported in the news.