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Report Card: Rice University and Committee Members

report card: For the latter, committee members would do well to examine a new paper out of Rice University in Texas titled, The Racialization of Islam in the United States Islamophobia, Hate Crimes, and Flying while Brown.' We often hear that because Muslims are not a race, people cannot be racist for attacking Muslims, sociologist and study author Craig Considine is quoted saying in the University's media statement, according to Toronto Star. This argument does not stack up. Its report card will hopefully contain two outcomes Strategies to combat systemic racism, and a definition of Islamophobia that will place it in the context of Canadian laws as well as overall racism in the country. It is a simplistic way of thinking that overlooks the role that race plays in Islamophobic hate crimes. Article Continued Below In the U.S., some 30 per cent of Muslims describe themselves as white, 23 per cent as Black, 21 per cent as Asian, 6 per cent as Hispanic, and 19 per cent as other or mixed race, according to the Pew Research Center in Washington. Islamophobia is not colour blind. ( As reported in the news.