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Mainstream Parties and Phantasmological Form

move: It hasn't been able to move beyond its phantasmological form and actually take power outside of Hungary and Poland, according to Hamilton Spectator. Everywhere else on the continent, mainstream parties have managed to keep the new, old breed of rabidly right-wing nationalists from taking the reins of government the past decade. For now, though, it's mostly just that a spectre. How have they done this, even in the aftermath of the worst financial crisis in 80 years Well, it turns out, the centre actually can hold so long as the center-right helps out. Even double-digit unemployment and semiregular terror attacks weren't enough for Le Pen's far-right National Front to get anywhere close to 51 per cent of the vote, especially as every other party treated them like political pariahs. That, at least, is the lesson of the relentlessly technocratic Emmanuel Macron's bigger-than-expected blowout of the anti-immigrant and anti-European Union Marine Le Pen in France's presidential election. ( As reported in the news.