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Unemployment Rate: Nova Scotia and Trump Presidency

unemployment rate: Canadians are the ones that will make a decision about who will represent them and I have a lot of good faith in the common sense of Canadians, said Ambrose at the Nova Scotia Progressive Conservatives' annual meeting, according to The Chronicle Herald. Her remarks come just 15 days into a Trump presidency that was met with widespread protests on Jan. 21 followed just days later by banning citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. The interim federal Conservative leader said that her party was fighting for taxpayers and job creation in Atlantic Canada at a time when Nova Scotia's unemployment rate hovers just above eight per cent and people are worried about the future. The ban was suspended as of Saturday. Leitch ran into widespread criticism from many in her own party after she proposed screening all immigrants and visitors to Canada for Canadian values' without clearly stating what they would entail. At least two out of the 14 federal Conservative leadership candidates have been likened to Trump Kellie Leitch and Kevin O'Leary. ( As reported in the news.