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Canadian Muslims: Muslims and canada.a Group

canadian muslims: Then came the massacre at a Quebec City mosque that struck another blow to a community already numbed by the Islamophobia its members have faced day in day out in Canada.A group of Muslims invited by the Star to a roundtable discussion last week described their immediate reactions to the disturbing events on both sides of the border with such phrases as not again, resistance and heavy heart, according to Toronto Star. It's a familiar narrative. Carlos Osorio/Toronto Star By Nicholas Keung Immigration reporter Fri., Feb. 3, 2017 U.S. President Donald Trump's travel ban against Muslims came as no surprise to Canadian Muslims, though they did not expect how harshly and quickly it happened. It's very real in our lives, said Gilary Massa, 31, whose family came to Canada from Panama in the late 1980s. This is what we say to ourselves to cope, but the shooting is an unfriendly reminder of how Islamophobia is well and alive in the country. Some people say at least we live in Canada. ( As reported in the news.