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Campaign Chair: Reports Trump and Media Exec

campaign chair: Bannon has already declared that he sees Donald Trump as a blunt instrument for advancing his own beliefs he's shaped, articulated, refined a political philosophy, and the president of the United States is the delivery mechanism, according to Guelph Mercury. The gruff-looking ex-Navy man, Harvard grad, Goldman Sachs banker, film producer, and flame-throwing right-wing media exec swept into the epicentre of political power with new roles first as Trump's campaign chair, now as chief White House strategist. It's another rare distinction for a political staffer now being cast in popular culture as some alt-right Rasputin. Last week, he became the story. There are now reports Trump is miffed. White House insiders grumbled to media that he'd pushed ahead Trump's controversial travel restrictions, avoided departmental advice, and insisted on making it more aggressive. ( As reported in the news.