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Journalist i.f: Stone and i.f

journalist i.f: How did you get involved with this project and why is this an opportune time for people to be reminded of the legacy of I.F. Stone Amy Goodman: Fred Peabody, the director, just approached us and said he was interested in looking at I.F. Stone and what is happening today in independent journalism, just like I.F. Stone Weekly that went out, before the Internet, to tens of thousands of people and gave a really inside, factual look, according to Rabble. Stone showed through investigative reporting his motto and what is the title of this film: all governments lie. Goodman and Sheikh were in Toronto for the world premier of All Governments Lie, a new documentary highlighting the legacy of renowned journalist I.F. Stone and role of free press in protecting democracy. He said to journalism students, if you're going to remember three words, all governments lie. Years later the Times would write its mea culpa on page A10 about how they got it wrong -- the constant front page pieces by people like Judith Miller and Michael Gordon alleging weapons of mass destruction based on unnamed sources. And that something that corporate media has to be reminded of, that we are the "fourth estate" not "for-the-state." And especially in times of war, when the media circles the wagons around the White House, the big question for journalists is "are you a patriot " and that means "are you going to question what your government is doing " That the time you need to question the most, as we saw in the lead up to the invasion in Iraq. ( As reported in the news.