Independent topical source of current affairs, opinion and issues, featuring stories making news in Canada from immigrants, newcomers, minorities & ethnic communities' point of view and interests.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Rolston Ryan

Rainbow Railroad: Around the same time that newly sworn Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was vacationing in St, according to NOW Magazine. Kitts and Nevis with his family in early January, a 31-year-old gay man from the Caribbean island nation was making headlines of his own back home and in Toronto. Kitts and Nevis in May 2013 with help from Rainbow Railroad. Rolston Ryan, who had sought asylum in Canada because of St. In April, Ryan was told that his case would be reconsidered by the Refugee Appeal Division. Kitts anti-LGBTQ laws, faced deportation back to his native country after several failed applications for refugee status to the Immigration and Refugee Board. ( As reported in the news.