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Prime Minister David Cameron and Canadian Dollar

British comedians: Yesterday markets surged after the winds suddenly started blowing the other way, according to CBC. Markets surge as Brexit urge seems to fade Loonie, Canadian stocks sag as vote nears If you believe Canadian optimists, the only ones who will suffer after the referendum are the British comedians. Last week the Canadian dollar, stocks and oil drooped as polls showed Brexit increasingly likely. The BBC radio show Dead Ringers has been having a grand time, playing up the conflict between conservative old-timers who want to keep Britain British and the youngsters who don't care and won't vote. In another, the anti-Brexit Prime Minister David Cameron says shocking things, trying to balance the odds by causing older voters to have heart attacks. Shocking change in the odds "They all talk about leaving Europe, but, like, no one says where we'll go if we do leave," says a confused young voter in one sketch. ( As reported in the news.