Independent topical source of current affairs, opinion and issues, featuring stories making news in Canada from immigrants, newcomers, minorities & ethnic communities' point of view and interests.

Donald Trump and Nigel Farage

Trump Ford: Trump and Ford are also soul brothers to the three generations of the Le Pen family who have dominated far-right politics in France, according to The Chronicle Herald. And close kin to Nigel Farage of the U.K. Independence Party. Donald Trump already happened in Canada and we called him Rob Ford. And to Geert Wilders, who leads the Party for Freedom in the Dutch parliament and has endorsed Trump for president. Trump base loves him all the more for being offensive, racist and unapologetic. All benefit from the anger of the economically disenfranchised, who are anti-immigrant and would applaud Trump for his bigoted call to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. It not pretty — this global xenophobia — but it persistent and deeply rooted. ( As reported in the news.