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Tim Tebow: Jesus

Felix Potvin Dept: A goalie making the sign of the cross as Felix Potvin did before t of every game didn t bother anybody, hardly got noticed, because it was an intimate gesture: O Lord, please keep me safe from slapshots to the head. Tim Tebow on one knee, finger to the sky, is exhibitionistic and proselytizing. Is it I? the apostles asked at The Last Supper, when told by Jesus that one of the dozen assembled would betray him. Tebow s pious theatrics smack of Me! Me! Me!, according to The Star. Tim Thomas forcibly yokes the two and then commands us to keep them separate and sports and politics are a toxic mix, even more repellant than Jocks & Jesus. I don t need athletes spreading the gospel. What I need even less is athletes wearing their political ideology on their sleeve and pulpit-tweeting. It s sports , not a civics class. I resent complications. ( As reported in the news.