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U.S. Customs And Border Protection: Application

U.S. Justice Department Dept: Mike Milne, a spokesman for U.S. Customs and Border Protection, refers to the need for a waiver to enter the U.S. if someone has a conviction for a narcotics offence, according to Vancouver Sun. Some forms are photocopied so poorly as to be practically illegible. The $585 fee can change unannounced, obliging you to send more money. When submitting the application in person, at a port of entry , you may be told of new requirements and re: Wild side comes back to haunt photographer, Column, Jan. 16 The waiver is an "Application for Advance Permission to Enter as Non-immigrant" which requires finger-prints taken by the RCMP for a Canadian record check, also sent to the FBI and the U.S. Justice Department, details of the offence, court records, family history, letters of character reference, evidence and/or a written account demonstrating rehabilitation, advance request for date s of entry, and fingerprints taken again by U.S. officials . ( As reported in the news.