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Fight Disinformation: Executive Director and Disinformation

fight disinformation: Fight disinformation with facts, according to National Observer. Support the Election Integrity Reporting Project!This is how much readers like you have donated so far. Widespread, sophisticated disinformation campaigns; powerful foreign governments and domestic interests alike manipulating public opinion and elections through social media that couldn't happen here, right But the record shows it not only could happen here it already is. Goal 75,000 12,900Donate I think Canadians should be terrified, honestly, said Sue Gardner, Executive Director of The Markup and former Executive Director of the Wikimedia Foundation. The moderator, CBC's Ian Hanomansing, had asked Gardner how disinformation would impact Canadians in the 2019 federal election. Gardner was speaking before a sold out Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver at an SFU panel Tuesday night called Confronting the Disinformation Age. ( As reported in the news.